Monday, April 18, 2011

Theories, Unplausible.

In Which Extra-Terrestrials are blamed for "Me and Bobby McGee"

David Icke:
1. Has only worn turquoise from the early 1990s on as he believes it to be a conduit of positive energy;
2. Retired from a promising soccer career at a young age due to acute arthritis;
3. Believes that accomplished helicopter pilot, country & western song writer, and Rhodes Scholar Kris Kristofferson is a humanoid reptile from a planet orbiting one of the stars that make up the Draco constellation;
4. Does not believe that noted Tsarist hoax The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is objectively true but that whomever constructed said pamphlet was holding knowledge of "the game plan [for the 20th century]";
5. Refers to Queen Elizabeth as "seriously reptilian";
6. Worked as a host for televised snooker games for the BBC (amongst other things) until his contract was terminated due to his non-payment of certain taxes;
7. Is a propronent of the Hollow Earth hypothesis and peoples his theoretical Inner World with the aforementioned space reptiles from Draco;
8. Is able to quite clearly distinguish between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism but loses some level of credibility when he then takes the long since tired approach of crediting the house of Rothschild with being nefarious crypto-zionistic conspirators;
9. Has an charmingly Matroyshka doll-esque view of a world in which: governments and corporations are controlled by the aforementioned Zionist Rothschilds, the Illuminati, the Bilderbergers, the Chatham House, the Tri-Lateral Commission, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the UN, who are in turn controlled by an ancient conspiracy known as the Brotherhood who essentially created humanity by breeding proto-humans like man-kind bred wolves into dogs (and of course behind the brotherhood are the reptilians from Draco, who hide in human form and masquerade in human society as the royal houses of old Europe and various corporate dyanasties);
10. Is sadly just another example of humanity using its greatest inherent talent, that of discovering (or projecting, as the case may be) patterns in information, to concoct an ultimately depressingly and mundanely racist screed detailing a vast, in both years and size, and malevolent conspiracy controlling the world; unwilling to believe that this cacophonous global society we dwell in today could exist due to mere happenstance.