Thursday, March 10, 2011

Whence the Tittle

A Most Brief but Nevertheless Densely Informative Aside Upon the Subject of Small Strokes, As Circumstances Unforeseen Prevent the Culmination of My Ever Lengthening Essay Upon the Subject of Pugilism

From the medieval Latin word titulus meaning "small stroke, or accent" we have the English word tittle, which refers to any small distinguishing mark made upon a letter. Notable tittles include the decorative dots that sit atop lower case i and j, and diacritics. But beware the distinction, and for avoidance of the placing of one's foot squarely in one's mouth and general social ostracization repeat after me: A diacritic is a tittle, but not all tittles are diacritics, as an applied diactritic results in a change of the standard pronunciation of a letter.